On the battlefield with the Dragons – the interesting and surprising CTF challenges (CONFidence 2014)


  • Language: English
  • Conference: CONFidence
  • Location: Kraków, Poland
  • Date: May 2014
  • Speaker(s): Mateusz ‘j00ru’ Jurczyk, Gynvael Coldwind




On average, a computer security Capture The Flag event takes place every two weeks. These time-limited team hacking competitions are a gold mine of interesting, unconventional, technically challenging, surprising and just plain amazing security problems and puzzles. We, members of the Dragon Sector CTF team, would like to present some of the tasks we found most fun to solve during the most recents 30 contests we took part in. The selected challenges will be related to various areas of applied security, including: exploitation, reverse engineering, cryptography, forensics, steganography, networking, web application security, etc.
