Articles and papers

Below is a summary of the external blog posts, articles and papers I have authored or co-authored so far.

Project Zero blog posts

2024The Windows Registry Adventure #5: The regf file format
2024The Windows Registry Adventure #4: Hives and the registry layout
2024The Windows Registry Adventure #3: Learning resources
2024The Windows Registry Adventure #2: A brief history of the feature
2024The Windows Registry Adventure #1: Introduction and research results
2020MMS Exploit Part 5: Defeating Android ASLR, Getting RCE
2020MMS Exploit Part 4: MMS Primer, Completing the ASLR Oracle
2020MMS Exploit Part 3: Constructing the Memory Corruption Primitives
2020MMS Exploit Part 2: Effective Fuzzing of the Qmage Codec
2020MMS Exploit Part 1: Introduction to the Samsung Qmage Codec and Remote Attack Surface
2020Part II: Returning to Adobe Reader symbols on macOS
2019The story of Adobe Reader symbols
2018Detecting Kernel Memory Disclosure – Whitepaper
2017Notes on Windows Uniscribe Fuzzing
2016A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing #2: the techniques
2016A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing #1: the results
2015Enabling QR codes in Internet Explorer, or a story of a cross-platform memory disclosure
2015One font vulnerability to rule them all #4: Windows 8.1 64-bit sandbox escape exploitation
2015One font vulnerability to rule them all #3: Windows 8.1 32-bit sandbox escape exploitation
2015One font vulnerability to rule them all #2: Adobe Reader RCE exploitation
2015One font vulnerability to rule them all #1: Introducing the BLEND vulnerability

Articles in English

2019Paged Out! #1Building ROP with floats and OpenType
2019Paged Out! #1Windows Syscall Quiz
2018Detecting Kernel Memory Disclosure with x86 Emulation and Taint Tracking
2014XAKEPWindows Kernel Trap Handler and NTVDM Vulnerabilities - Case Study
2013Identifying and Exploiting Windows Kernel Race Conditions via Memory Access PatternsGynvael Coldwind
2012HITB MagazineMemory Copy Functions in Local Windows Kernel Exploitation
2012HITB MagazineThe story of CVE-2011-2018 exploitation (also as a whitepaper)
2011HITB MagazineWindows Security Hardening Through Kernel Address Protection (also as a whitepaper)
2011HITB MagazineWindows Handle Numeric Allocation in Depth
2011HITB MagazineWindows CSRSS Tips & Tricks
2011Exploiting the otherwise non-exploitable: Windows Kernel-mode GS cookies subvertedGynvael Coldwind
2010HITB MagazineCustom console hosts on Windows 7
2010HITB MagazineReserve Objects in Windows 7
2010HITB MagazineWindows Objects in Kernel Vulnerability Exploitation
2010GDT and LDT in Windows kernel vulnerability exploitationGynvael Coldwind

Articles in Polish

2022ProgramistaHello World pod lupąGynvael Coldwind, Adam Sawicki
2016ProgramistaFuzzingGynvael Coldwind
2014ProgramistaZdobyć flagę... DEF CON CTF 2014 - wdub (v2)
2014ProgramistaJak napisać własny debugger w systemie Windows – część 4
2014PWNProgramistyczne PotknięciaGynvael Coldwind
2014ProgramistaJak napisać własny debugger w systemie Windows – część 3
2014ProgramistaJak napisać własny debugger w systemie Windows – część 2
2014ProgramistaJak napisać własny debugger w systemie Windows – część 1
2013ProgramistaBliżej silikonu #2Gynvael Coldwind
2013ProgramistaBliżej silikonu #1Gynvael Coldwind
2013ProgramistaAddressSanitizer: szybki detektor błędów pamięci
2010Hakin9Błędy typu Write-What-Where w jądrze Windowsa
2010Hakin9Luki bezpieczeństwa jądra Windows