Extending Total Commander with some minor functionality

As a loyal standard Windows shell (explorer.exe) user I often encounter some problems with the number of opened Windows on one desktop. Since my current notebook hardly ever goes down, so does the user’s shell. After a few working evenings, I often have difficulty localizing the desired windows. Having something like 40-50 of them, it is usually a hard task to switch between internet browser, IDA, programming IDE, virtual machines, file manager and so on. The worst thing for me turned out to be looking for the TotalCommander window (being used the most frequently). A situation like this was obviously causing much of a time waste and consequently frustration.

I came up with a few available solutions, listed below:

  1. Having the taskbar items sorted at any time, thus making the current work state much clearer.
  2. Creating a set of system-wide hotkeys, each responsible for setting focus on the associated window or a group of windows.
  3. Start using some kind of Virtual Desktop software and reorganize the whole work environment.

All of them sound pretty good, in fact, and each is worth being described in detail. What is more, there is a great amount of free software designed just to help users with such problems. However, what everyone should already know is that the best solution is the made-by-myself one ;-)

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Process termination issues

The first technical post here is about the process of terminating applications on Windows system. I have been researching this subject for the last few days, during which a number of interesting (yet unknown) facts has appeared. Some of the solution ideas regarding particular problems are presented here, though I am sure there are many nice ways of dealing with those – feel free to post your ideas below ;>

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Hello world!

Welcome to my new tech blog!

Seems like I finally decided to create a place to store the ideas that might become forgotten otherwise, so here you are. Even though I had some trouble choosing between polish/english/both versions, I eventually chose the one making the contents readable by a wider people range.

What you will hopefully be able to find here is various Reverse Engineering stories and research results, some computer-related problems being currently handled with, upcoming events and their reports, as well as any other things that could come up to my mind, worth being published ;-)

That’s all for now, feel free to criticize and post comments, which I encourage you to do.