Results of my recent PostScript Charstring security research unveiled

Some months ago, I started reverse engineering and investigating the security posture of the Adobe Type Manager Font Driver (ATMFD.DLL) module, which provides support for Type 1 and OpenType fonts in the Windows kernel since Windows NT 4.0, and remains there up to this day in Windows 8.1. Specifically, I focused on the handling of so-called “Charstrings”, which are essentially binary encoded PostScript programs with a dedicated set of instructions and a specific execution environment, responsible for drawing the shape of each glyph at a particular point size. It didn’t take long to notice several important points:

  • The overall code quality of the Charstring interpreter function in ATMFD.DLL was badly low, with some bugs being clearly visible in the code at first glance. This implied that (surprisingly, considering the seemingly large amount of attention received from the security community) I entered a completely unexplored territory that others haven’t delved into, or at least publicly.
  • The kernel module used the same interpreter for both Type 1 (Type 1 fonts) and Type 2 (OpenType/CFF fonts) Charstrings, and supported every single feature that has ever been part of the specification, and plenty of undocumented ones as well – bloating the size of the function to more than 20kB (!) on the x86 platform.
  • As a result of historically strong collaboration between vendors in the early days of digital font development (the 80’s and mostly 90’s), various modern font engines have a common ancestor in Adobe’s implementation of Type 1 / OpenType fonts, including:
    • Windows GDI (i.e. ATMFD.DLL in the Windows kernel),
    • Adobe Reader (i.e. the CoolType library),
    • Microsoft DirectWrite (a library used by Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.),
    • Windows Presentation Foundation.

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