Today, I would like to present the fifth issue of the well-known Hack In The Box e-magazine, originally brought back to life by Zarul Shahrin, in January last year (see the complete release history here). As usual, every Windows Internals maniac can find something for himself: this time, I described some of the most interesting parts of the Windows Subsystem (commonly known as CSRSS) internals, or more precisely, the potential advantages one can take from the undocumented mechanisms found in the subsystem (e.g. obfuscating a local thread creation). Besides this one article, you can also find another five write ups, related to Linux and Network Security, as well as professional development. Most of all, however, I would like to recommend the Interview section, where a well known RE community figure – Rolf Rolles – talks about his current occupation and shares his thoughts about the current state of the reverse engineering world.