Windows win32k.sys menus and some “close, but no cigar” bugs

Welcome after one of the more lengthy breaks in the blog’s activity. Today, I would like to discuss none other than several interesting weaknesses around the implementation of menus (like, window menus) in the core component of the Microsoft Windows kernel – the infamous win32k.sys driver, also known as the “Java of Windows” in terms of overall security posture.

Now, menus have been a part of the Windows graphical interface since the very beginning of the operating system existence. The implementation became part of the Windows kernel at the time of porting a majority of the Windows manager (User) subsystem to a ring-0 component during Windows NT 4.0 development. The functionality consists of user-facing (i.e. the NtUserThunkedMenuInfo and NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo system calls) and rendering portions of code; I have found several bugs or problems in both areas.

First of all, let’s start with the win32k!xxxSetLPITEMInfo function, which can be generally reached through the two following call chains in Windows 7 x86:

NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo → xxxInsertMenuItem → xxxSetLPITEMInfo
NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo → xxxSetMenuItemInfo → xxxSetLPITEMInfo

The routine itself is responsible for setting up an ITEM structure, which describes a single menu item and is defined as follows for the previously stated platform:

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